
Donor Relation with Food for Others

25.02.2020 in Donor Relations

Like any other in-kind or monetary donors, the farmers giving the food bank fresh produce need to feel that the (literal) fruits of their labor are appreciated. Just because a farmer donates once to a food pantry does not necessarily mean they will donate again….

Volunteer Outreach with Food for Others

25.02.2020 in Volunteer Relations

A great way to recruit volunteers while at an established non-profit is to pull from the organization’s networks. Volunteers that are already dedicated to the organization may be looking for additional ways to help. These are people that are reliable and vetted over months/ years…

Honoring Culture and Traditional Knowledge of Refugee Farmers in Community Gardens at IRC

25.02.2020 in General Resources

The International Rescue Committee resettles and integrates refugees, asylees, and other immigrants from all over the world. Many of these new Americans bring a wealth of knowledge about agriculture and farming, and it is important to allow space for this knowledge in garden education programming. Here are some tips for how to make space for traditional knowledge in community garden spaces..

Intercultural Communication at IRC

25.02.2020 in General Resources

The International Rescue Committee resettles and integrates refugees, asylees, and other immigrants from all over the world. It is crucial to be able to communicate across cultures in a way that is empowering and respectful. Here are some helpful tips for navigating intercultural communication..

Marketing & Visibility at IRC

25.02.2020 in Visibility

There are positives and negatives to marketing and visibility strategies for a small program situated within a large company. On the positive side, New Roots has access to the many avenues through which the IRC promotes itself and its clients, including Facebook posts, email blasts, and community events. Often, IRC programs..

Donor Relations at IRC

25.02.2020 in Donor Relations

Donation needs for New Roots often center around the emergency food pantry, and garden supplies. The IRC receives a great deal of community support, and the Development team often receives offers from community members and companies for donations to certain programs..

International Rescue Committee

25.02.2020 in Previous Host Sites (WA)

Since 1976, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Seattle has helped welcome and support thousands of refugees, immigrants, and survivors of human trafficking in Washington State. The IRC’s New Roots program was created in 2015 to support an existing community garden run by Bhutanese refugees that was started in 2010 in Tukwila, WA..

Fruit Tree Harvest at Good Cheer Food Bank

25.02.2020 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Keeping a gleaning program going for the long term can be a challenge; volunteers come and go, tree donors may move away and sell their properties to new owners who aren’t familiar with the program, and the fruit harvest varies from year to year..