
How to network with food assistance organization – Wholesaling

09.05.2022 in Partnerships

How to network with food assistance organization – Wholesaling with Farm to Community at Harvest Against Hunger Many farmers want to get involved in food assistance programming in their communities, whether to build wholesaling relationships, assist in community-building projects, or some combination of the two….

Culturally Relevant Foods with Tacoma Farmers Market

09.05.2022 in General Resources

The term “culturally-relevant” first referred to teaching practices and was coined by the scholar, Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings in the early 1990s. Dr. Ladson-Billings stated that maintaining the integrity of a person’s culture while being academically successful, is the goal of a culturally-relevant teaching style (source…

Collaborating with Community with Tacoma Farmers Market

09.05.2022 in Partnerships

Partnerships that rely on shared goals in the realm of food access often revolve around a target community, the food insecure population or the low-income population. Often, these two communities overlap. In general, a suggested first goal for an organisation serving historically marginalised communities, is…

Volunteer Relations with Tacoma Farmers Market

09.05.2022 in Volunteer Relations

Written by Samara Elaine Gonzalez, Fresh Express Mobile Market VISTA Y1. Updated by Danyelle Neumann, Fresh Express Mobile Market VISTA Year 2. Tacoma Farmers Market (TFM) provides volunteer opportunities for all ages, abilities, and comfort levels. There are numerous projects and areas within TFM that…

Marketing and Visibility with Tacoma Farmers Market

09.05.2022 in Visibility

Written by Samara Elaine Gonzalez, Fresh Express Mobile Farmers Market VISTA. Updated by Danyelle Neumann, Fresh Express Mobile Farmers Market VISTA.  Partnering with other community organisations One of the most important things a business can do is understand the wants and needs of the target…

Tacoma Farmers Market

09.05.2022 in Current Host Sites (WA)

Site Information Website: Location: 902 Market Street Tacoma, WA 98402 Tacoma Farmers Market In the mid-20th century, Tacoma’s downtown and city centre witnessed suburbanization and, as a result, divestment in public infrastructure. In 1990, the area saw improvements with the development of art and history museums,…

Fruit Tree Services at Green Urban Lunch Box

06.05.2022 in Fruit Tree Harvest

In the Salt Lake Valley, thousands of fruit trees grow in homeowners’ backyards, collectively producing hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh fruit each year. The Green Urban Lunch Box’s FruitShare Program partners with fruit tree homeowners and community volunteers to harvest and distribute fruit…

Boston Food Hub with Boston Area Gleaners

06.05.2022 in General/ Logistics

The Boston Food Hub has existed in some form or another for Boston Area Gleaners over the past few years but has expanded greatly alongside the purchase of Stonefield Farm, which allowed BAG to transition the program into a wholesale buying program, as well as…