
Home Fruit Tree with Second Harvest Inland Northwest

02.07.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Under the gleaning project umbrella, Second Harvest has implemented a fruit tree registry geared towards salvaging fruit from residential and orchard trees. Homeowners ideally maintain and harvest their own fruit when possible. Second Harvest supplies the education (workshops), as well as picking boxes and transportation on harvest…

Community Fruit Tree Harvest With Lettuce Link

21.06.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Molly Woodring Fruit Tree for Resource Guide from Harvest Against Hunger on Vimeo. Donor Outreach and Recruitment Lettuce Link recruits new fruit donors in several ways: Word-of-mouth – current donors and volunteers outreach amongst neighbors and friends Tabling at plant sales and harvest fairs, food-…

Tree Care Services with City Fruit

25.04.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

While City Fruit has a Master Fruit Tree Stewards (MFTS) program to educate the community on caring for fruit trees, City Fruit also offers tree care services.  The current tree care specialist, Julian Garcia, offers care and maintenance of privately owned trees to ensure healthy…

Cider Press with City Fruit

25.04.2024 in Fruit Tree Harvest

City Fruit harvests an abundance of apples every year, and congruently owns three cider presses.  Of these three, two are manual (meaning everything is done by hand) and one is electric (meaning most of the work is done by machine), and all are available for…

Backyard Harvests with Spokane Edible Tree Project

04.01.2023 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Spokane’s neighborhoods are filled with fruit trees. According to a 2012 tree mapping completed by the city of Spokane, there are around 7,000 potentially edible trees throughout the city. This means that there is an abundance of fresh fruit and nuts that can be used…

Fruit Tree Gleaning Tools with Spokane Edible Tree Project

04.01.2023 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Orchard Ladders Orchard ladders, or tripod ladders, have three legs to increase stability and allow gleaners to position the ladder securely between branches when picking high fruit. They’re available in various heights. Spokane Edible Tree Project owns 10-foot orchard ladders, which are secured to a…

Fruit Tree Harvest with WSU Clallam County Extension

29.08.2022 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Clallam County has a rich history of home and farm orchards. The tree fruit in the area includes Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Pears, and Figs. In addition to this tree fruit, Clallam County can grow several nuts, berries, and vegetables. The environmental good fortune of…

Produce Selection with WSU Clallam County Extension

29.08.2022 in Fruit Tree Harvest

In a location of produce abundance such as Clallam County, finding available produce is not a challenge. Often there is more available than volunteers can pick. Therefore, volunteers should be encouraged to be politely selective about what they harvest and donate. This will ensure that…