
Learning What Doesn’t Work with WA State Gleaning Network

22.12.2023 in Development

In July of 2023, it became clear that the network needed a space to collaborate outside of the monthly meetings. Schedules did not always permit organizations to participate in monthly meetings and often did not provide enough time to really dig into deeper topics. The…

Using Events for Fundraising with City Fruit

30.11.2022 in Development

Written by Vera-Camille Ingressa, Fundraising and Development Specialist VISTA. Through fundraising and development, work is an ongoing priority, City Fruit does a variety of fundraising events throughout the year to supplement these efforts. Three are GiveBig, a giving drive held in spring, City Fruit Celebrates,…

Procurement for a Silent Auction with City Fruit

29.11.2022 in Development

Written by Vera-Camille Ingressa, Fundraising and Development VISTA. Running a silent auction is a great way to raise funds for an organization. Though similar to a regular auction, this option reserves a nice set of possibilities that are less simple to pull off live. Silent…

Running a Capital Campaign at Boston Area Gleaners

06.05.2022 in Development

For the capital campaign, the purchase goal included preserving the value of Stonefield Farm. The fundraising goal of $4.1 million included not only the full purchase of the 51.5 acres of farmland and conservation land on Stonefield Farm, but also includes the cost of improvements…