
Volunteer Relations with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

19.01.2022 in Volunteer Relations

In your program’s first year, recruit volunteers in the community at gardening events, farmers markets, and churches. You can find out about these opportunities by researching upcoming events and scheduling tabling space to recruit from these locations. Contact schools as many have service hour requirements. …

Visibility with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

19.01.2022 in Visibility

When you first start your program, you will want to reach out to the media to raise awareness about your program.  If you are in a larger organization like Hopelink, work with the communication team to harness their expertise and already established relationships with media…

Scheduled Farm Gleaning with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

19.01.2022 in Row Crops

Developing strong, positive, and professional relationships with farmers is imperative to the growth of your program.  In the first year, focus on establishing relationships and trust with the farmers by being reliable and consistent in your interactions. Once a solid partnership has been established between…

History with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

19.01.2022 in History

Since 1971, Hopelink has served homeless and low-income families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Hopelink’s mission is to promote self-sufficiency for all members of our community by helping people make lasting change. Hopelink has five emergency service centers located in Bellevue, Kirkland/Northshore, Redmond, Shoreline, and…

Nutrition Education with Hopelink

18.01.2022 in Education

Promoting nutrition requires more than just providing food.  It also involves education and outreach. Food bank clients have a diversity of knowledge, skills, and experiences with food that may vary by region, culture, or family. It is important to understand the needs of the people…

Donor Outreach with Hopelink Snoqualmie Valley

18.01.2022 in Donor Relations

When recruiting farmers to donate surplus produce, face-to-face interactions are critical to yield new partnerships. Attending the local Sno-Valley Tilth meetings was the first step in meeting farmers face to face.  Tilth organizations are made up of community members who support sustainable food production through farming,…

Produce Profiles

24.07.2021 in Education

Please feel free to share these fun and informative vegetable profile sheets at your food bank or program. English:  Arichokes Beets Broccoli Cabbage Cardoons Carrots Celeriac Chard Cilantro Cucumber Eggplants Green Beans Kale Kohlrabi Parsnips Potato Radishes Rapini Rhubarb Snow Peas Summer Squash Turnips Winter…