
City Fruit Tree Harvest

15.10.2021 in Fruit Tree Harvest

The AmeriCorps VISTA worked alongside the Orchard Steward Coordinator to create a schedule of monthly work parties at the 14 parks City Fruit stewards. The VISTA determined the site needs and recruited volunteers using various outreach mechanisms. In general winter activities include restoration, pruning, weeding and clearing…

Fruit Tree Gleaning at the Green Urban Lunch Box

17.11.2020 in Fruit Tree Harvest, General/ Logistics

The Green Urban Lunch Box’s (GULB) FruitShare program is a unique program that partners with fruit tree homeowners and community volunteers to harvest and distribute fruit that would otherwise go to waste. The harvested fruit is divided up between the tree owner, the volunteers who harvested it, and local hunger relief.

Fruit Tree Gleaning During COVID-19 at Iskashitaa Refugee Network

10.11.2020 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Typically, IRN would lead 2 weekly harvests that involved meeting at the office and carpooling to fruit tree locations. These harvests would consist of large groups of refugees and volunteers ranging from 10-25 participants. Modifications to the gleaning approach were made to limit size and interaction of participants while still diverting viable and nutritional produce from landfills.

Fruit Tree Harvest at Good Cheer Food Bank

25.02.2020 in Fruit Tree Harvest

Keeping a gleaning program going for the long term can be a challenge; volunteers come and go, tree donors may move away and sell their properties to new owners who aren’t familiar with the program, and the fruit harvest varies from year to year..