Name Change F.A.Q.

Changing the name of a nearly 40 year-old organization is a big decision. But as our work has expanded over the years, we realized that our name no longer adequately represented the breadth and depth of our operations. While many people were aware of Rotary First Harvest (as we’ve been named since 1999), even our closest partners and supporters didn’t fully understand our impact.
Our new name, Harvest Against Hunger – a program of Rotary District 5030, is more descriptive of our work, while still reflecting the deep Rotary roots of the organization. We’ve developed this FAQ to help further explain the decision and the story behind the name change.
Are you still a Rotary program?
We continue to be a program of Rotary District 5030. In fact, we’re the longest-running District program in the world! However, we have never been a program of Rotary International. We’re a unique blend – both an independent non-profit and a Rotary-based initiative to reduce hunger and food waste.
Has your mission changed?
No, our mission, vision, values and day-to-day work remain the same. We learned through a nearly year-long brand assessment process that there was a great deal of confusion about our name and the work we do. If anything, our new name is more descriptive of, and aligned with our mission.
Are you still a non-profit?
Yes, we continue to operate as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, registered in Washington State. Our EIN Tax ID number is still 91-1229941, and donations made to Harvest Against Hunger are tax deductible.
What's different?
Our name and logo are different, but the deeper organizational attributes remain as they’ve always been. We are:
- Innovative
- Collaborative
- Effective
- Efficient
- Essential
- Nimble
How can I help?
Harvest Against Hunger provides you with fulfilling ways to give back:
Volunteer with us to connect with and be inspired by service-minded people who are fostering a culture of caring in our community.
Donate – when you give to Harvest Against Hunger your money goes to work right away. We work efficiently to meet immediate and critical needs in the hunger relief system.
Become a champion for reducing hunger and food waste.
What's next?
As we’ve grown as an organization, one basic tenant remains: We are successful because we build relationships that create efficiencies for everyone involved. This approach informs decisions and provides a touchstone for program development. We’ve expanded our work in a number of ways, and look forward to incubating new, effective ways to reduce hunger and food waste.