Welcome, Melanie!

26 Aug 2021, by Admin in Concrete Jungle

Melanie Jones is excited to be working with Concrete Jungle in Atlanta, Georgia this year! Melanie is a runner, hiker, gardener, and general outdoor enthusiast. While her professional background is in fundraising and bookkeeping, she was ready to make a turn and learn more about the logistics of working within a smaller nonprofit and growing their outreach efforts.

Concrete Jungle’s mission is to “transform underutilized and overlooked fruit trees and land into a healthy food source for communities in need”. The organization has grown so much over the past few years, and Melanie will be working to streamline the online presence by creating newsletters and website content as well as managing the social media accounts. She will also help plan the next phase of Concrete Jungle’s Produce Buyers Club, which connects their community partners with farmers in order to access larger quantities of fresh produce.