Leigh Pond, CFS’s AmeriCorps VISTA Produce and Gleaning volunteer coordinator, a position created in November, is developing signs to identify what’s locally grown.
In addition to Farm to Food Bank, Pond coordinates CFS’s Garden Share and Gleaning programs. Garden Share encourages donations of fresh produce directly from home gardeners to CFS during business hours.
“A lot of people don’t know about this program, it just went to the wayside, essentially. So that’s where I’m coming in and trying to make it a more well-known program — so people know that you can donate to your local food bank and pantries,” Pond said. “Fresh produce is something that we love to accept. It’s one of the hardest things to come by, one of the most expensive things to get.”
Pond added, “The usual produce at food banks is seconds. For people to come in and receive a nice, fresh tomato that was picked that day, is completely rewarding for them.”